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How to grow your business twitter and will it benefit your business?


In this blog post, I will discuss how Twitter is beneficial to the growth of your business and how we will be growing our Twitter, so PostMaker will benefit from it to help develop and build their business.

(According to HubSpot data,) statistically, 65% of businesses say generating leads is their biggest challenge when it comes to marketing. Therefore Twitter can be very beneficial to PostMaker.

In PostMakers previous blog post (Why PostMaker is good for Social Campaigns), We discovered a Social media campaigns are a big part of social media marketing.

According to (Statusbrew.com, 2021) There are approximately 3.04 Billion active social media users worldwide, and on average, there are 135 minutes spent on social media every day globally.

Therefore marketing on social media enables the business to market themselves and push their business to its consumers.

This makes Twitter an essential platform for Twitter to brand out and reach customers to gain rapport with the business, and so a company can build relationships.

What is Twitter?

Twitter logo on a phone

According to (Forsey 2021) they explained that Twitter was launched in 2006 by Jack Dorsey. It is a social networking site, Where you can create Twitter Profiles and a Twitter username, for example, @BusinessDigitalmarketing, and you can Direct Message, Tweet, Like and Retweet.

Other features are beneficial to business, such as Twitter Lists, Twitter Ads. They can build their Twitter followers for more business exposure.

Twitter is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most popular social media platforms online today.

There are over 100 Million Active Twitter users, and on average, there are over 500 million tweets daily. So it is always good for a Business Twitter to have a Twitter Strategy and open Twitter Chat for any questions from customers or other businesses.

Also, according to (Forsey 2021), Twitter has very much evolved since back In 2006. Then, the Co-founder, Jack Dorsey, created Twitter as an SMS-based communications platform. This meant you’re and your friends could keep up with each other’s goings-on. But, unfortunately, Twitter wasn’t that popular initially because it was too similar to texting.

Why is Twitter beneficial to a business, and why isn’t it?

A person holding a phone showing twitter

There are many benefits of using Twitter for your business. According to (Advantages and disadvantages of Twitter for business | nibusinessinfo.co.uk, 2021) they have discovered that Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms as it has over 335 million users worldwide.

Many online and In-store businesses use Twitter to reach and connect with their customers. Online retailers need to promote themselves to gain awareness of their business.

Twitter is an outstanding social media platform that can help you reach and interact with a worldwide audience.

Benefits of Twitter for Business

  • You can also connect and correspond with your customers. Of course, there are some downsides of Twitter also, but will they outweigh be the benefits?
  • Allows you to connect and interact with your consumers. For example, as you can post tweets which your consumers can interact with, also consumers can contact you which you can correspond with.
  • Allows you to connect with other business for B2B relationships. You and other business can correspond via tweets online, for example, collaborations and enquiries.
  • You can promote your business which intern could boost your sales. You can create graphics and send out influential tweets to reach your consumer base to advertise your business.
  • It gives your business an online reputation and allows you to build rapport. For example, if consumers have issues and contact your business online on Twitter, you can respond politely and helpfully, making you look professional.
  • You can use it to keep up with competitors in the same field. You can follow people in the same field to keep up with the current business trends and always be one step ahead.
  • Fantastic for promotion of your business’ blog. You can share your latest news and posts about your business to spread the word.
  • The potential of making your business go viral online. If your posts are posted at the right time and interacted with by your consumers, for example, retweets, your post can be continued to be spread.
  • If a customer leaves some negative feedback and deals with it well over twitter, it can shine a positive light on the business.

Two happy people chatting on a desk with a laptop

The downfall of Twitter for Business

  • Keeping up a Twitter presence is very time consuming, which means you need to dedicate a lot of time and effort to maintaining your presence on the platform.
  • It is majorly important that you have the correctly knowledgable staff to correspond with consumers over Twitter; otherwise, you could have some backlash.
  • If a customer has a bad experience and rants or contacts you over Twitter, it is viewable to the public, and once something is online, there is no way to get rid of it. This will reflect poorly on the business.
  • Time is of the essence. Timing is severely important. If you do not tweet at the right time and your followers aren’t active, your audience could easily miss your tweets.
  • Twitter can be full of spam and Malicious accounts. Brands often have users pretending to be them. You should not click on suspicious links from users you don’t know. Twitter’s 280 character limit. It can take time to learn how to communicate effectively with brevity.

How to grow your business with Twitter?

Growing your business with Twitter can be a fantastic opportunity to help you progress your presence online.

When doing so, some factors need to be considered, such as your social media management, your marketing strategy, Target audience, Potential customers who are active users who are interacting with your content.

You can also look at Twitter Analytics. Finally, it would help if you were wary of competitors social platforms. All these need to be a factor in the equation because Twitter can be a powerful tool for good and bad reasons at the end of the day.

4 Main Steps

There are four main steps of growing your business using Twitter according to How to Grow Your Business Using Twitter (morebusiness.com). As long as you follow these steps, you have a fantastic chance of building your Twitter.

When marketing your business online using Twitter, it needs to be considered a marketing tool so that you can get the most out of its features and functions.

Step 1 - Market your Business

Market your business speech bubble coming out of a megaphone (cartoon)

First of all, you need to be marketing the hell out of your business. Your Twitter Marketing Strategy needs to be unique to you. You need to outshine similar enterprises to with your marketing content. Create a Twitter ad with graphics about your business, what they do, who they sell. All these posts need to be based on your target audience.

You need to communicate with your customers so you can market your customer service. Marketing is also essential because Twitter is full of your business potential customers.

When marketing your business on Twitter, other factors you need to consider are how your profile looks to viewers, such as have you got a striking header image? Is your profile photo relevant? Is your Twitter username appropriate? Has your Twitter feed got relevant content?

Another important section is the bio. The first thing the customers see on a users profile is their Twitter Bios. Does this have quality content? Does it have relevant information about your business?

According to How to Grow Your Business Using Twitter (morebusiness.com). Twitter can be a hectic place for a busy business person; therefore, there at ways you can keep up by using tools such as PostMaker and Sprout social.

Step 2 - Tweet Tweet Tweet

See the source image

According to how to Grow Your Business Using Twitter (morebusiness.com). You need to be active on social media to maintain, engage and keep up with what is going on. Marketers can send out many types of tweets from your online business.

You need to consider what type of content you’re going to keep pumping out to your audience to keep them engaged, such as regular tweets about relevant topics based on your business.

You could also send out video content of you speaking to your consumers in real-time. This would be great content marketing, and customer insight left on the video will show loyal customers.

It would help if you considered what Relevant hashtag you will use on your tweets so that a larger audience can see them. Also, it would help if you researched how many hashtags per tweet is advisable. You don’t want any customers to consider your content spammy.

It may also be very beneficial to your business to schedule tweets to be constantly sent out to keep your audience up to date. You can use post schedulers that sends out the information to all your social accounts too.

When tweeting, make sure you are communicating with your consumers, make sure you’re answering your customer questions so that there are no customer service issues.

Step 3 - Organic engagement with your customers

Two people talking

Engaging with your customers is a big must if you’re using Twitter for your business. For example, a user has a customer service issue. You need to make sure you’re communicating with the proper knowledge to resolve situations so that the customer is left satisfied.

Also, as this is public, It needs to look good for any consumers because if you were rude and obnoxious, millions of users could see this and steer clear of your company.

You have to imagine your social profile as your baby. You need to nurture it as one wrong move could land you in a lot of trouble which could be terrible news for your business.

As you advertise your business profiles online, Twitter can be a valuable communication tool between you and your consumers.

You can advertise events that are going on in your business, such as surveys, items you’re selling, promotions and deals that you have going on at the minute, so you get more exposure. Having twitter allows you to speak individually to get this list of topics across to your consumers.

Communication such as comments, advice, surveys, responses and opinions can allow you to see who your ideal customer is so you can learn as your Twitter grows who to market yourself to. It also allows you to find your niche. Then you can carry out content curation to your specific market.

Step 4 - Who doesn’t like free stuff?

Hand being held out

This heading title states, who doesn’t like free stuff? Sometimes, when you’re a start-up business or branch out, many people won’t be interested as similar companies may be around.

Sometimes an incentive can be just what makes the peoples heads turn because it is free. Therefore if you offer a potential consumer a free sample, a free trial or money off, people might persuade them to give your company.

This is also good because it persuades them to follow you on social media and check out your business. For the business, this isn’t a big deal for some exposure, as more than likely, they will spread the word about the free items.


Overall there are some good and bad points about using social media for business. One of the most conflicting points is that If a customer has a bad experience and rants or contacts you over Twitter, it is viewable to the public, and once something is online, there is no way to get rid of it. This will reflect badly on the business.

This can be really damaging for the business. I think businesses can overcome this obstacle with daily users checking Twitter, responding in a good manner, clearing up the issue quickly over the tweets, and then taking it over to the direct messages of the individual profile so that you can speak with the user privately and sort their issue. Otherwise, the tweet engagements can look bad on the business.

Overall, Companies can overcome the downfalls very quickly, and the advantages surpass them, therefore to answer the question, How to grow your business Twitter and benefit your business Twitter?

We have discovered the four main steps to grow your business. First, market the heck out of your business, have a content calendar and know when to release your content creation. It would be best if you also implemented a content strategy.

Promoted tweets, too, are a big Yes, so they get sent to a broader audience. Twitter is now your advertising platform, so Market… Market… MARKET!

Create engagement on posts you have sent out and communicate with your audience with any tweets, issues, or questions. Next, you want to sell your business to customers, and your image and content is a big part of this, for example, cover photo and banner image. Finally, you want your Twitter advertising to be on point. After considering the four main points and looking at the advantages and disadvantages of Twitter for business, the conclusion is that Twitter will hugely benefit a company as long as you stick to the rule book and the character count.

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