
PostMaker Use Case

Social Media for Events

Social media plays a vital role in driving traffic to ticket and registrations pages. It’s therefore essential that your strategy is on point for converting traffic into ticket sales, but there’s more you can do with your Social Media.

If you’re looking to improve your attendance at events, then you should definitely consider using social media before, during, and after the event.

There are a lot of opportunities to work with Social Media to help shape a fantastic event.

When is the event?

Timing is pretty key with an event, has it happened, is it happening right now or is it going to happen at some point in the future? Each different option here obviously gives us different ways to talk about it on our Social Media.

Before the Event

If you don’t plan ahead, you risk losing control of your brand and reputation. And when it comes to events, this means missing out on the opportunity to connect with people who might be interested in attending your next event.

To avoid these problems, start early. Before the event, create a social media strategy that includes goals, objectives, and tactics. This way, you can anticipate what’s going to happen during the event and take steps to prevent issues.

Also, keep in mind that social media isn’t just for sharing pictures and videos. Use it to build relationships with attendees, speakers, sponsors, and others involved in the event. In short, use social media to get closer to your target audience.

Build Anticipation

The biggest challenge when building anticipation for an event is getting people excited enough to attend. People don’t show up to events because they’re bored or uninterested. They show up because they’re curious or intrigued. So how do you build curiosity and intrigue?

By creating buzz through social media. Social media is great for building excitement for upcoming events. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube.

Once you’ve built anticipation, you need to get people interested in attending the event. To do this, share information about the speaker, topic, and testimonials from attendees.

> PostMaker Event Details

People are more likely to attend events where they learn something new, and if they hear positive reviews from previous attendees. So, by sharing testimonials from past attendees, you can help them decide whether to attend your event.

You can also use social media to ask people what they think about your event. Ask them to share their thoughts on your event, and then follow up with a thank-you note after the event.

After the event, you can also use social media platforms to track the conversation.

And finally, don’t forget to thank your audience for participating in the conversation. Thanking people helps them feel appreciated and encourages them to participate again.

Time Until the Event

Instagram has a very handy Countdown Sticker if that’s where your audience hangs out, a nice clear way to let your audience see the weeks, days and minutes tick down until your event day.

PostMaker lets you use !!until in your content to show the time until the event. It’s dynamic so for each post that it generates it will have an accurate time until your event.

During the Event

Don’t stop here, you’ve made it to the event day but now is the chance to engage with attendees, show off to those that didn’t come what they’re missing and also get those likes and shares rolling in.

Monitor conversations on social media to see what people are saying about your event. Respond to any negative feedback and address concerns.

Event Hashtags

You don’t even need to be doing all of the hard work. Please use your audience and get them tweeting using an event Hashtag. Most importantly, use your hashtag on all social posts related to your Event. This includes photos, videos, blog posts, etc. The more places you use it, the higher your chances of seeing it by people who care about what’s happening at your Event.

There are a few different factors to consider when choosing hashtags for an upcoming event:

  1. Relevance: Choose hashtags that are relevant to your event, such as the name of the event, the location, or the theme.

  2. Popularity: Consider using popular hashtags that are commonly used in your industry or by your target audience. This can help increase the visibility of your event on social media.

  3. Uniqueness: Try to use hashtags that are unique to your event, rather than generic hashtags that are used for a wide range of topics. This can help you stand out and make it easier for people to find your event on social media.

Here are a few examples of hashtags that could be used for an upcoming event:

  • #[EventName]
  • #[EventLocation]
  • #[EventTheme]
  • #UpcomingEvent
  • #EventAlert

Live Tweeting and Content

Spend time with your attendees, get to know them, and do they have something to share with your audience? Could you interview them for a compelling Instagram Story?

Post a photo from the event with a short description in the caption. Tag influencers who could answer questions regarding the topic of a presentation and post this story to Instagram.

After the Event

Use any creative assets from the Event - videos, pictures and content. Allowing those who couldn’t make it to benefit from the Event can still engage

If you want to know what people really think about your event, you should also ask them to fill out a survey after the event. This gives you insight into what worked well and what didn’t work as expected. Collect Testimonials from happy attendees to make promotion next time around much easier!

PostMaker lets you use !!since in your content to show the time since the Event. It’s dynamic, so each post that it generates will have an accurate time until your Event.

Spintax Examples you could use for your Social Media Events

  • Attention {friends|everyone}! Don’t miss out on the {amazing|incredible|unforgettable} {event|gathering|meetup} happening {next week|in a few days|soon}. {There will be|You’ll be able to} {enjoy|experience|indulge in} {delicious|tasty|mouth-watering} {food|drinks|treats}, {fun|exciting|entertaining} {activities|games|entertainment}, and the chance to {mingle|socialize|network} with {amazing|wonderful|talented} {people|individuals|attendees}. {You won’t want to|Don’t miss out on} this {opportunity|chance|experience}. {Get your tickets|Buy your tickets|Reserve your spot} {now|today|before it’s too late}!
  • Don’t {miss out|forget} on the {amazing|incredible|unforgettable} {event|gathering|meetup} happening {next week|in a few days|soon}. {There will be|You’ll be able to} {enjoy|experience|indulge in} {delicious|tasty|mouth-watering} {food|drinks|treats}, {fun|exciting|entertaining} {activities|games|entertainment}, and the chance to {mingle|socialize|network} with {amazing|wonderful|talented} {people|individuals|attendees}. {Get your tickets|Buy your tickets|Reserve your spot} {now|today|before it’s too late} and {join|be a part of} the {fun|excitement|action}!
  • Don’t {miss out|forget} on the {opportunity|chance|experience} to {attend|be a part of} the {amazing|incredible|unforgettable} {event|gathering|meetup} happening {next week|in a few days|soon}. {There will be|You’ll be able to} {enjoy|experience|indulge in} {delicious|tasty|mouth-watering} {food|drinks|treats}, {fun|exciting|entertaining} {activities|games|entertainment}, and the chance to {mingle|socialize|network} with {amazing|wonderful|talented} {people|individuals|attendees}. {Don’t miss out|Don’t let this opportunity pass you by}. {Get your tickets|Buy your tickets|Reserve your spot} {now|today|before it’s too late}!
  • The {excitement|anticipation|hype} is {building|growing|mounting} for the {upcoming|forthcoming|imminent} {event|gathering|meetup}. {Join us|Be a part of it} for an {unforgettable|amazing|incredible} {night|evening|experience} filled with {delicious|tasty|mouth-watering} {food|drinks|treats}, {fun|exciting|entertaining} {activities|games|entertainment}, and the chance to {mingle|socialize|network} with {amazing|wonderful|talented} {people|individuals|attendees}. {Don’t miss out|Don’t let this opportunity pass you by}. {Get your tickets|Buy your tickets|Reserve your spot} {now|today|before it’s too late}!
  • Join us for an {unforgettable|amazing|incredible} {event|gathering|meetup} {next week|in a few days|soon}. {There will be|You’ll be able to} {enjoy|experience|indulge in} {delicious|tasty|mouth-watering} {food|drinks|treats}, {fun|exciting|entertaining} {activities|games|entertainment}, and the chance to {mingle|socialize|network} with {amazing|wonderful|talented} {people|individuals|attendees}. {Don’t miss out|Don’t let this opportunity pass you by}. {Get your tickets|Buy your tickets|Reserve your spot} {now|today|before it’s too late}!
  • The {countdown|wait|anticipation} is {on|over|ending} for the {upcoming|forthcoming|imminent} {event|gathering|meetup}. {Join us|Be a part of it} for an {unforgettable|amazing|incredible} {night|evening|experience} filled with {delicious|tasty|mouth-watering} {food|drinks|treats}, {fun|exciting|entertaining} {activities|games|entertainment}, and the chance to {mingle|socialize|network} with {amazing|wonderful|talented} {people|individuals|attendees}. {Get your tickets|Buy your tickets|Reserve your spot} {now|today|before it’s too late} and {don’t miss out|don’t let this opportunity pass you by} on the {fun|excitement|action}!

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