
A blog about...

Free Spintax Tool

We created a Blog Post on what Spintax is with our Spintax Guide, now we have created a free Spintax Tool to help you create ideas for your Social Media.

You’re not just limited to creating different Social Media Post Ideas, you could also use it to create and test some ideas for Direct Messages (DM’s) or even for mixing up some Email Templates to give them some variation.

Don’t forget you’re not limited to using Spintax with a list of single words, you can mix up and replace

  • A phrase
  • A complete sentence
  • An entire paragraph

Using the PostMaker Free Spintax Tool

Using the tool is easy, simply enter in some Spinax and click Generate.

If you need to grab the results, you’ll need to copy and paste them.

Some ideas to try

Social Media

{Tell us about|Share} your {funniest|cringe worthiest|best|worst} {date|shopping|holiday} {experience|fail}?

We have also built https://contentmaker.io as a great way to pull content ideas from a Website to use for Social Media Posts.


{Hi|Hello}, {How are you|How are things|I hope {you’re|you are} {doing|}{ good| well}}?

Do you want more?

If you think you’d like to see more about how you could use Spintax with your Social Media, check out our full tool PostMaker to take your Social Media to the next level

Ready to dive in?

Try it at no cost.

Make your day significantly better and check out PostMaker today.

App screenshot