
Your Questions About PostMaker's Social Media Content Tools, Answered

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

You don`t have my Social Media Scheduler, can you add it?
Absolutely, if we can find out the CSV format your provider needs, we will add it. Message us at support@postmaker.io if you want to talk.
Does PostMaker use Artifical Intelligence (AI) to automatically create content?
A little bit, but we want help you find your own ideas and then generate more unique variations from them using Spintax and more.
How does it work with my scheduler?
We export the content into the CSV format supported by your scheduler. Just import and away you go.
Do you have a Facebook Group?
Sure, if you want to join in and talk to existing users you can join https://facebook.com/groups/post-makers.
Does it work in all languages?
Yes, we have users around the world using PostMaker in various languages. We will support any language we can..
Does it work with Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Facebook Groups, Google My Business (GMB) etc?
PostMaker has limited posting abilities, but it works with your existing Scheduler - if they support a Social Media Channel via their import, then it will work from PostMaker too.
How do I import the CSV for my Social Media Scheduler?
We have written a guide here for Bulk Importing Tweets, but the same applies for our Social Media Channels
Doesn't all the content come out the same?
Content created with PostMaker should be managed carefully and mixed in with other types of posts. It is a great way to passively advertise, promote or keep eyes on your content, ensuring each post is unique. Please don't use it to spam.
How long does it take to fill my Social Media Schedule?
We have users who have generated a year's worth of content in a few hours.
Can I generate Images for my Social Media Posts?
Yes, absolutely - check out Social Media Image Generation.